One correction I have to make here. The Civil unrest at the Honda factory is in Dehli, not Kolkatta.
Haha, when I asked the hotel employee where Gurgaon was (the place mentioned on the news) he told me it was in Gujarat ;p. Guess I'm not the only one in need of geography lessons.
Mumbai is flooding. Some of my friends are stuck chest-deep in the flood. Kolkatta is having a wimpy "monsoon season". It has barely rained since I got here. Since I have to walk to work every morning, I think that's a good thing. I NEVER want to have to wade through a hershey's bar to get to work again like I did in Mumbai. Somehow, I don't think my poor shoes will survive the experience.
I'm settling into the job quite nicely. They've kinda accepted me as "one of them" when I came up with a solution that they've been having trouble with and contibuted a module to a prototype they were going to show the AXA side.
Unfortunately in Software development terms, it means I'm going to have to work like a dog. Oh well, it's something to do anyway. Kinda better than having to swat flies in the office like some of my "luckier" teammates who have offices right next to the hotel.
Group Leader just informed me my Sunday is shot to pieces. Got to report for an update discussion/meeting on the project. Hmmm, if I get indispensible, there goes any hope of making it out of India. They might lock me in Kolkatta on the project like forever.
I scanned through the project members' biodata. Only the project leaders and I have any experience in C#. So, that's why they keep asking for my opinion during the meetings. However, it's going to be like the-blind-leading-the-blind, since I have NEVER done anything on this scale before (I certainly never followed the rules closely).
Ahem, however, I'm hoping that "In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." If I bull a little and fudge alot, this too shall soon pass. I can handle this but I just wish I was doing something else and learning new stuff.
My throat's healed up, Yay. I can start eating lunch again, but I'm not going to eat at my office, just yet. I guess maybe not ever again, the food there is so spicy, they even add spices to my cucumbers.
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