A Singaporean In India

A little record of my sojourn in India

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oh Kolkata!

My viral fever had settled down and left behind a little something for entertainment. Ulcers. Yippee..this is more fun than I can stand.

I have always been vulnerable to mouth ulcers. It's a genetic thing. The ones I dread most are the ones which appear in your throat. It makes swallowing even water abit of a trial. I have learnt to deal with the pain over the years, but then I hadn't expected to shove spicy Indian food down my throat.

I'm seriously thinking of preparing my own lunch or foregoing lunch altogether.

My new company turns out to be AXG, the super-sized Insurance MNC. Our team is working to upgrade AXGDirect(Japan)'s business applications. It's C#, boring, boring, boring, but I guess I can do this, I've done this before anyway. One of the reasons why I left my job in the first place was because I was getting bored with C# programming.

We're currently putting up at another "5 star hotel" in the Salt Lake Area, Sector V. It's an ok place to work in, from everything we've experienced so far. From the newspapers and some of the people we've talked to, it's not a "good" part of town.

Some gang broke into a family's house in this area, gang-raped the daughter, cleaned out the house.

Another violent protest occurred in Kolkatta. They're protesting against Honda's closure of it's plant. The police got involved and now we have a lot of people in hospital.

We're have 2 weeks to find a permanent place of domicile and I need to get a mobile soon. We met some of the local AIESEC committee members, and they have helped us score a nice cheap place somewhere. Downside is, it's 1 1/2 hour journey each way to and from work. That, I can live with.I bought a library membership with the British Council, they're in town. If I lived in town, I could use it's facilities, which is a good thing.

Let me sort out my experiences a little before I go any further.


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